Ungenauigkeiten werden dadurch schneller . Extrem robustes 4-Kammer-Profil mit stoßdämpfenden Gummi-Endkappen. Kantenlose Horizontallibelle für verzerrungsfreie Sicht auf die Libellenblase.
BMI Alu WW HighPrecision – 6im hanico. Libellen mit 5-mal besserer Ablesbarkeit, Libellen machen bei gleicher Schräglage einen . BMI 4-Kammer-Profil – laut Hersteller das widerstandsfähigste Profil am Markt . Wasserwaage HIGHPRECISION R101800mm BMI.
Die hohe Einbaugenauigkeit der BMI-Rundlibellen mit einer spiegelfreien Sicht . High precision vial bubbles move 5x faster than those of ordinary levels. Therefore inaccuracies can be recognised much sooner – and much better. BMI HighPrecision R101cm to pięciokrotnie czulsza od wszystkich spotykanych na rynku profesjonalna poziomica, która wskazuje nawet najmniejsze . Most accurate level on the market!
BMI 4-chamber profile, the strongest profile on the market. For example, bodybuilders often have high BMI (considered obese) but low Body Fat. Rounded vial with magnifying effect for reflection-free easy readability.
BMI Wall bracket with magnet 1cm ERIKS Item #: 12596593.
BMI HIGH PRECISION spirit level type 4743. With ITO layer and high precision sensors, this scale can offer you up to body composition , including weight, BMI, BMR, body fat, body water, visceral . Vodováha BMI Highprecision, vysoké přesnosti. Konzultace a porady na naší nonstop lince . High-precision strip centre guiding system in front of side trimmers and mills. For the high-precision measurement of the strip position on metal strips with an . Unbreakable vials protected by transparent body, 30-year warranty, with electronic precision adjustment (BMI patented) and ultra-sound welded – HIGH . Product Code: 60ED – R1000.
Spirit level HIGHPRECISION 6ED R1000.